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<big>'''Welcome to'''</big>
==Cisco 7940==
* [ HowTo configure Cisco SIP phone with sipX] (Alternative: Manual TFTP Server Address Setup )
== Getting started !==
* [ How to setup SIP on a Cisco 7940-7960 IP telephone ]
* [ Converting a Cisco 7940/7960 CallManager Phone to a SIP Phone and the Reverse Process]
* [ Cisco 7940 and 7960 IP Phones Firmware Upgrade Matrix]

Consult the [ User's Guide] for information on using the wiki software.
* [ Helt lam 49,- / kg]
* [ Ballerup Økologisk 1/1 Lam ca. 20 kg - 70 kr/kg.  uden fedt og afpuds]
* [ Rabatten]

* [ Configuration settings list]
==Dell E6400==
* [ MediaWiki FAQ]
* [ HowTo: Latitude E-/Precision M-Series Second 2,5" HDD]
* [ MediaWiki release mailing list]
* [ HowTo: Latitude E-/Precision M-Series Second 2,5" HDD]
* [ mediawiki formatting rules ]
* [ Lenovo ThinkPad Serial ATA Hard Drive Bay Adapter II]

* [ Manual:Wiki family]
==Toshiba Protege 3500==
* [ Help:Interwiki linking]
* [ Re: DRIVER NEEDED: Toshiba Portege 3500 (Windows XP Professional)  ]
* [ Toshiba Wireless LAN Drivers Toshiba driver releases for wireless lan cards used in their laptops]
* [ Intel - Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection]
* [ Intel Pro Wireless 2200 BG Mini PCI]
* [ Portégé® 3500/3505 Series Resource Guide]

=== How do I customize the navigation bar? ===
==Windows Vista SP2==
* [ Vista SP2 Compcln.exe and Other Notable Changes in Service Pack 2]

The contents of the navigation bar which appears to the left of each page using the Monobook skin are determined by the '''[[MediaWiki:Sidebar]]''' page. For information on customising these, please see [[Manual:Navigation bar]].
==TCP half-open connection limit==
* [ Tweaking maximum half-open connection limit in XP and Vista]

==Dette er fjernet fra Navigations baren==
==Vista won't sleep==
'Away mode' is enabled.

** portal-url|portal
Have a look in Control Panel -> System and Maintenance -> Power Options ->
** currentevents-url|currentevents
Change when the computer sleeps -> Change advanced power settings ->
** recentchanges-url|recentchanges
Multimedia settings. From here you can allow the computer to sleep, not
** randompage-url|randompage
sleep, or not idle to sleep.
** helppage|help
** sitesupport-url|sitesupport

==Rename Main page==
==VPN Problemer==
Display any page, say, the main page. Then go to the URL in your browser's URL input line and replace the text "Main_Page" with "Mediawiki:mainpage". It should look like:
* [ Preamble of Vigor2900 series Broadband Security Router]

Then click the "go" button (or hit "enter" on your keyboard) to display that page. You can then click the edit tab... (actually, if you just click on the link I just pasted here to your wiki, that will do it too).
* [ How to configure a firewall for domains and trusts - What ports is used]
* [ Using Windows Vista and Outlook 2007 in a Windows Small Business Server 2003 Network]
* [ What Parameters does Vista use to decide whether a Network is Domain, Private or Public?]

Aside: This is one way to create a new page as well - just replace the displayed page name with the name of a new page and try to display that - MediaWiki will show a that the page doesn't exist and offer to let you edit that to create it.
* [ God søgning]
* [ Book - Windows Server 2003 Networking Recipes]
* [ What does the default firewall policies in SBS's Vista policy do?]

* [ Wikipedia:Extended image syntax]
* [ Help:Wikitext examples]
* [ Tables]
* [ Tables]
* [ Help:A quick guide to templates]
This is a list of conversion tools and plugins for editing.
* [ Huiquipedia:Tools/Editing tools]

* [ VPN Guide to Small Business Server 2003]
* [ Google AdSense]
* [ Logon to Windows using PLAP (Pre-Logon Access Providers)]
* [ Google AdSense extension for MediaWiki released.]
# Add the domain controllers ip address to "Allow file and printer sharing exception" so <domaincontroller ip>,LocalSubnet
* [ Google AdSense]
# Add domain controllers ip as the DNS server to be used when dialling the VPN connection.

==Google Extensions==
On vista
* [ Category:Google extensions]
# In ''Regional settings'' select the ''Administrative'' tab and use the ''Copy to reserved accounts'' button, to make the logon window use the correct keyboard layout.
# Create the dialup connection so everyone can use it, it can't be changed afterwards

'''netsh firewall show state<br>'''
* [ Category:All extensions]
* [ Managing Windows Firewall Profiles]
==Site Maps==
Create new sitemap for
* [[Special:GoogleSitemap]]
* [ MediaWiki Extension:Google Sitemap]
* [ Extension talk:Google Sitemap]

Se hvordan man burde kunne skjule historien på billedsider (jeg har prøvet, men så kan logged in users heller ikke se den).
Her er også et eksempel på hvordan man laver en sitemap.
* [ Common DNS Issues in VPN Networking]
Og andet...
* [ MediaWiki Tips and Tricks]

===Windows Server 2003 general stuff===
* [ Windows Server 2003 - Technet]

* [ Google Webmasterværktøjer]
===Events and Webcasts===
* [ Free online sitemap generator]
* [ Welcome to TechNet Virtual Labs]
* [ '''How to Get Your Website Indexed by Google''']
* [ Microsoft - Events and Webcasts Home Page]
* [ Google Python Sitemap Generator - Introduction]

===Group Policies===
'''Here is an overview of what to do when getting Vista clients in an Server 2003 environment'''
* [ Deploying Group Policy Using Windows Vista]
'''Policied won't deploy over VPN connections'''
* [ Re: ICMP Ping and Group Policy Update]

====Dette er sakset fra en anden side====
If you are using Wordpress, use this handy sitemap generator. This plugin generates a Google Sitemaps compliant sitemap of your WordPress blog.
* [ Windows Server 2008 ADPREP]
* [ Google Sitemap Generator for WordPress v2 Final]
A free tool that will crawl a website and generate a ROR Sitemap up to 1,000 URLs for every search engines, not just Google
* [ ROR Sitemap Generator]
'''Kan ikke finde ud af hvad den ikke skal scanne''' This tool creates a sitemap as defined by Google™ for a website.
* [ Free Sitemap Generator]
Google beta sitemap generator
* [ Google Sitemaps beta]
Free Online Sitemap Generator that will build Site Maps online (XML, ROR, Text, HTML)
* [ Sitemap Generator]

==Nice short url's==
I got the short/pretty url's working by following the following description.
* [ Microsoft Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows Vista]
* [ MediaWiki Manual:ShortURL]
* [ Microsoft Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows Vista for x64-based Systems]
I have '''''' as host, and the section [ Solution without alias] works on ''''''.
* [ Group Policy Settings Reference]
Below is my modified version showing how I added pretty url's to

My site is in
Windows Firewall: Allow file and printer sharing exception<br>
UDP ports 137 and 138, and TCP ports 139 and 445<br>
netsh firewall show currentprofile<br>
* [ Windows Firewall - Managing Windows XP Service Pack 2 Features Using Group Policy]
* [ How to Configure Windows Firewall in a Small Business Environment Using Group Policy]

Using this .htaccess in my directory, I was able to use short URLs and the redirection.
* [ Using Netsh with Windows Firewall]

My Main_Page is renamed to Home. If your's is called Main_Page replace Home with Main_Page below.
* [ Vista VPN How to]
* [ How to configure SBS 2003 as VPN server]

My site is hosted at ''''''.
* [ HOTFIX - Some DHCP Options are not recognized on a Windows XP SP3-based client computer when the DHCP server offer includes option 43]

In <tt>~/web_root/.htaccess</tt>
* [ Domain FAQs]
RewriteEngine On
#Redirect to
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [r=301,L]
RedirectMatch ^/$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/wiki$
RewriteRule ^(.*) /wiki/index.php?title=Home [L]

RewriteBase /
* [ Application Notes - Host to LAN VPN ( Teleworker to Vigor ) ]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
* [ DrayTek Smart VPN CLient Download page]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
* [ How to force Kerberos to use TCP instead of UDP in Windows]
RewriteRule ^wiki/(.*) wiki/index.php?title=$1 [PT,L,QSA]
* [ HOW TO: Change the Default Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) Size Settings for PPP Connections or for VPN Connections]
* [ Internet Authentication Services (IAS) on the domain controller]
* [ Draytek om VPN]
* [ PMTU (Path MTU) Discovery]
* [ Vigor2950 Security VPN Router User’s Guide]

In <tt>~/web_root/wiki/LocalSettings.php</tt>
==Anti-Virus Software==
<pre lang="php">
* [ Anti-Virus Guide]
$wgServer = "";
$wgArticlePath = "/wiki/$1";

* [ An Introduction to URL Rewriting]
==Murgh Makhani, fra Delhi (Indisk Butter Chicken)==
Kylling med smørsauce
(Murgh Makhani, fra Delhi)

==Pæne korte url's==
Indledende ord fra forfatteren:
* [ Dansk forklaring hvordan man får pæne urls fra WikiWegge]
Kyllingemakhani, lavet enten med Tikkas - ordet stammer fra hinduordet Tukra og betyder små, benfri stykker - eller med kvarte kyllinger er den mest populære ret på indiske restaurenter både i og uden for Indien. Det er en typisk restaurationsret og ikke en familieret, fordi der ikke findes tandoors i de indiske hjems køkkener, o gretten består af tandoori-tilberedt kød i en sauce.
Siden retten nu er så populr, er der mange der gerne vil kunne lave den hjemme, og jeg angiver her en forenklet metode, hvor kyllingen bliver tilberedt i en sauterpande eller i en tykbundet gryde.
Det er også muligt at marinere en hel lille kylling, skære den i kvarter og stegen den. I så fald kommer man stegeskyen fra panden i makhanisaucen.
Retten blev opfundet i 1950'erne i Moti Mahal restauranten i Delhi, hvor kokkene lavede saucen ved at komme smør og tomater i den kyllingesaft, der var tilbage i de store marineringsfade, hvori de marinerede de hundredevis af portioner tandoori-kylling, som restauranten serverede hver eneste dag....
Til fire...
900 g kylling (i kvarte eller mindre stykker med ben men uden skind - eller stykker uden ben (tikkas))
4-5 spsk olie.
Til marinaden:
4 dl sødmælksyoghurt
6 fed hvidløg
1cm frisk ingefær
1 lille tsk rødt chilipulver eller paprika
1/4 tsk stødt koriander
½ tsk stødt spidskommen
1 tsk garam masalapulver
1 nip tandoori farvepulver (kan udelades)
½ tsk salt
2 tsk limesaft
Til Makhanisaucen:
700 g tomater
½ tsk tørrede bukkehornsblade (kasuri methi)
75 g. iskoldt smør
½ tsk paprika
et par dråber eddike
1/4 tsk garam masalapulver
3 spsk fløde 13%
Start med at lave marinaden. Hæld yoghurten i gele eller ostekælde eller et par kaffefiltre, som du albringer i en si, så vallen kan løbe fra. Blend hvidløg sammen med ingefær. rør denne puré og marinadekrydderierne i den afdryppede yoghurt sammen med salt og limesaft.
Bland det hele godt.
Skold tomaterne til mahkanisaucen og flå dem. Mos dem groft med en gaffel eller kartoffelmoser. Mal de tørrede bukkehornsblade til pulver i en kaffe eller krydderimølle.
Hvis du bruger kyllingestykker med ben i, skal de snittes flere steder. Læg dem i marinaden og lad dem trække mindst en time, hellere to, og allerhelst natten over.
Når du er klar til at lave retten, varmer du olien i en stor tykbundet sauterpande og kommer kyllingen i sammen med marinaden. Læg låg på, skru ned for varmen og lad kødet snurre til det er mørt. Vend stykkerne et par gange.
Hæld tomatsaucen i en pande og lad den koge i ca 5 minutter, til noget af væden er fordampet.
Tilsæt det iskolde smør sammen med paprika. Når smørret er smeltet må saucen koge i præcis 1 minut, ikke længere. Smag på den. Hvis den ikke er syrlig, kan du smage den til med liddt eddike. Kom de stødte bukkehornsblade og garam masalapulveret i og smag til med salt.
Efter 30 sekunders forløb rører du fløden i og saucen er færdig. Hæld den i sauterpanden, bland den odt med kyllingestykkerne og server retten med det samme.
Hvis smør koger tre minutter eller læggere vil det blive til ghee og danne grynet bundfald. Derfor det det vigtigt at tilsætte iskoldt smør og koge i mindre end to minutter efter det er smeltet.
Du kan tilberede kyllingen i forvejen, men mahkanisaucen skal ubetinget laves lige før serveringen - det tager også kun 5-6 minutter. Du kan koge tomatmosen i forvejen, men vent med at tilsætte smøret til sidste øjeblik.
I Indien balnder restaurationskokkene lidt rå papaya-puré i marinaden for at mørne kødet.
Kilde: Fra de indiske køkken af Cammelia Panjabi, side 92-93.
==Morse code ringtone generator==
* [ Morse code ringtone generator]
==Free SPAM filters==
* [ SpamPal - free filter for mail clients]
* [C:\Documents and Settings\Lars\Desktop\POP og SMTP\MSXFAQ_DE - Kostenfrei.mht Kostenfreie Spamschutzprogramme]
==Obfuscate and Deobfuscate==
* [ Reversing Secrets of Reverse Engineering]
* [ PV Logiciels dotNet Protector]
* [ Remotesoft]
* [ Dis#]
* [ Anakrino]
==Uninstall .NET Framework==
* [ Aaron Stebner's WebLog - .NET Framework Cleanup Tool User's Guide]
==Reset password på XP og Vista==
* [ How can I gain access to a Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 computer if I forgot the administrator’s password? How can I reset the administrator’s password if I forgot it?]
==Explorer uses 50% CPU and fan keeps running==
Try to remove shortcuts in:<br>
'''C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts'''<br>
The CPU usage will stop immediately.
==Opdateringer og hotfixes til Vista==
* [ ITsVISTA Information that makes life easier when it comes to installing, managing, and using Windows Vista - Links to hotfixes]
* [ The Hotfix Share]
==SmartCard Reader==
* [ Protect Your Data Via Managed Code And The Windows Vista Smart Card APIs]
* [ SmartCard Infrastructure - This blog is about Smart Card infrastructure in Windows]
* [ The Spice Home Page]
* [ Berkely Spice download]
* [ SPICE - Wikipedia]
* [ Spice OPUS]
* [ x86 calling conventions]
==Hauppauge analog tuners API==
* [ Encoder API]
Hauppauge secret interfaces
* [ WinTvCap 3.0]
* [ Capture video from wintv pvr 150 mce]
* [ Hauppauge Tweak Tool]
==DVB tuner signal strength==
* [ Digi-TV - Frekvens-oversigt]
* [ The Green Button - DVB-T signal strength]
* [ Hauppauge - How-to check signal strength and quality]
==Vista Firewall==
* [ Support 4 Vista - The Windows Vista Firewall and how to configure it]
==Visual J++ to C# converters==
They only work in Visual Studio 2003 and are found in "File - Open - Convert"].<br>
The java code must be in a J++ project to be converted.
* [ Microsoft - Java Language Conversion Assistant 2.0]
* [ Microsoft - Java Language Conversion Assistant 3.0 (Beta)]
* [ Barcode4J a flexible generator for barcodes written in Java]
* [ Welcome to Barcode Island, a comprehensive new website written specifically for barcode developers]
* [ Dis Assembly - Program-Transformation.Org: The Program Transformation Wiki]
* [ Other Windows Disassemblers]
* [ Reverse Engineering Techniques 1]
* [ Reverse Engineering Techniques 2]
* [ Reverse Engineering Techniques 3]
* [ esreveR gnireenignE tfosorciM seiraniB]
* [ Reverse Engineering Microsoft Binaries]
* [ x86 instruction listings - Wikipedia]
* [ x86 Assembly Guide]
* [ The MASM32 SDK version 10]
* [ x86 calling conventions - Wikipedia]
* [ Disassembly Challenges like 'call eax']
* [ Using COM in Assembly Language]
==Speech generating software==
* [ Open Source Speech Software from Carnegie Mellon University]
* [ Festival: General examples]
* [ Flite: a small, fast speech synthesis engine]
* [ Pocket PC 2003 compile of the FLITE 1.3 speech synthesis engine]
==Speech generators==
* [ Magnevation SpeakJet]
* [ PICTalker A speech synthesis system using the PIC16F628 microcontroller]
* [ PICTalker in Matlab]
* [ Pic USB Brænder fra]
* [ WaveIO: A Soundcard Interface for LabView]
==System Tray==
* [ Adding Icons to the System Tray]
* [ References and Pointers and Constants, Oh My!]
Page is gone but can be found here
* [ ReactOS - Windows Clone]
==Sørens utilities==
* [ Halfdone Development - Unknown Devices]
* [ Drivers HeadQuarters - Driver Detective]
==CD - DVD quality test==
* [ | Blank DVD Media Quality Guide How to test the burn quality of CD or DVD Media]
* [ Nero CD-DVD Speed]
==.NET 3.5 SP1 and NDepend==
* [ .NET 3.5 SP1: Changes Overview]
==Real-Time Systems and Microsoft Windows NT==
* [ Real-Time Systems and Microsoft Windows NT]
==Program DirectShow from C#==
* [ DirectShowNET Library]
* [ Managed DirectShow - Kristoffer Vinther]
==MediaWiki Nye ting der skal med på Yggenyk==
==USB Sniffer==
Free with sourcecode.
* [ Usb Sniffer for Windows]
* [ SniffUsb 2.0 USB Sniffer for Windows]
* [ Graphical user interface to SniffsUSB]
* [ Reverse engineering Windows USB device drivers for the purpose of creating compatible device drivers for Linux]
* [ Tracing USB Traffic from Webcams]
C# .NET coding examples for USB ports.
* [ USB Wireless Security]
* [ Is that you? Writing Better Software for Cool USB Hardware]
==What memory is right for my PC==
This memory configurator can help finding the right type of memory also if you want to buy from another manufactor.
* [ - Memory Configurator]
'''Via EPIA M Series Motherboard''' [ Details]
*PC2100 - DDR - 266MHz
'''Via EPIA 800''' [ Details]
*PC133 SDRAM up tp 2*512MB '''very expensive'''
This article also mentions versioning
* [ Advanced Serialization- Format Your Way to Success with the .NET Framework Versions 1.1 and 2.0 - Juval Lowy]
* [ .NET Serialization - codeguro]
* []
* [ XMLSerializer objects that Deserialize themself]
* [ Implementing the Singleton Pattern in C#]
==Glitches in Windows Audio==
* [ Improving Audio Glitch Resilience in Windows 7]
* [ An Overview of Windows Sound and Music "Glitching" Issues]
* [ Why Vista sounds worse]
* [ Multimedia Class Scheduler Service]
* [ Audio in Vista: more hell than heaven By tim]
===Kernal Streaming===
* [ C++ Code Samples for different interfaces - KERNAL STREAMING]
* [ DirectKS Sample Application]
* [ DirectShow - Fine TV Tuning Using IKsPropertySet]
* [ WaveRTReport]
* [ directKS sample doesn't work? in Vista]
* [ A Wave Port Driver for Real-Time Audio Streaming 2007]
* [ Kernal streaming source]
* [ Eliminating PC Audio Glitches]
* Disable Linksys Draft-N card
This paper provides information about the WaveRT (wave real-time) port driver for the Windows® family of operating systems. It includes guidelines for audio hardware vendors to develop WaveRT miniport drivers for their audio devices.
This information applies for the Windows Vista® operating system.
* [ A Wave Port Driver for Real-Time Audio Streaming]
Søg på "A Wave Port Driver for Real-Time Audio Streaming" så finder man mere
* [ Re: Kernel Streaming does not work on Vista ?]
* [ PortAudio - portable cross-platform Audio API]
* [ PortAudio License]
* [ Portaudio Tutorial]
* [ Test and example programs]
* [ Proposed Enhancements to PortAudio API - Pass Underflow/Overflow Information to the Stream Callback - Explaing what kind of over/underflow you can get, and why]
* [ Notes about WDM-KS host API - pa_win_wdmks/readme.txt]
* [ Andrew Baldwin New "WDMKS" host API for PA on Windows]
Set a global define of PAWIN_USE_WDMKS_DEVICE_INFO, add os/win/pa_win_wdmks_utils.c to your project (and your headers path), (and link with ksguid.lib  ??)
* [ portaudiosharp .NET bindings for the portable low-latency audio library PortAudio]
* [ GNU Lesser General Public License]
* [ LGPL - Wikipedia]
OSR Online - Everything Windows Driver Development
* [ Introduction to WDM Audio Drivers]
Windows Driver Kit: Audio Devices
* [ Audio Filters, Pins, and Nodes]
* [ KsStudio Utility KsStudio is a kernel streaming tool that can be used to build, examine, and test WDM KS filter graphs]
* [ Exclusive-Mode Streams - with sample]
===Misc audio===
* [ Vista Core Audio API Master Volume Control]
* [ Windows driver API basics]
* [ Asio4all]
==Latency in Windows Audio==
* [ The DPC Latency Checker tool]
* [ Troubleshooting Audio Performance]
* [ Soundcard fixing]
* [ Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (Only on Vista)]
NAudio is a open source library of useful audio related classes intended to speed development of audio related utilities in .NET.<br>
NAudio Features
* WaveOut
* DirectSound
* WASAPI (Windows Vista Core Audio)
* [ NAudio Overview]
* [ What's up with WASAPI?]
Søg på windows sound card latency registry buffer  driver
==Telephone test systems==
* [ Microtronix Systems Acoustic Telephone Test Equipment]
* [ CS Strumentazione Elettronica Srl - SMS GSM VOIP Telephone tester, Measurement system & Electrical]
==Programming with timers in Windows==
* [ Implement a Continuously Updating, High-Resolution Time Provider for Windows]
* [ High Resolution Timing]
* [ Comparing the Timer Classes in the .NET Framework Class Library]
==Problems combining Outlook 2003 and Office 2008==
* [ Feeds not updating?]
==Alternativ Energi==
* [ Gasbaserede varmepumper]
===Quality Tools===
* [ MPEG . ORG - MPEG Stream Analyzer Software]
* [ MPEG-2 Transport Stream packet analyser]
* [ Code protection - Obfuscation - list of most obfuscating tools and features]
* [ How-To-Select an Obfuscation Tool for .NET™]
* [ Selecting an obfuscator for Silverlight - Stefan Olson]
* [ CodeFort .NET & Silverlight Obfuscator]
* [ .NET Reactor - powerful .NET code protection & licensing system]
==Drawing With WPF==
* [ Shapes and Basic Drawing in WPF Overview]
Hauppauge Power Supply
* [ E13007F2]
* [ SBL1040CT]
* [ STC945]
* [ AZ431]
* [ The Best-ever Freeware Utilities List]
* [ You experience a delay when you use your Windows XP computer to log on to a domain or to connect to a network resource]
* [ After Internet Explorer Maintenance Group Policy settings are configured in a domain, a 20-second delay occurs when you log on to the domain from a client computer that has Internet Explorer 7 installed]
Serial port 19200 baud logging
Skriver ved boot: *1010GV39
Netværkstrafo TG75-1406N
Netværkschip RTL8019AS
AT command Set
Oversigt over forskellige modeller
The [[m:Wikimedia|Wikimedia Foundation]] operates several other [[w:Wikipedia:Multilingual coordination|multilingual]] and [[w:Wikipedia:Copyrights|free-content]] projects:
{| align="center" cellpadding="2" width="100%" style="text-align:left"
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==Remote Assistance and VPN==
* [ Comparison of remote desktop software - Wikipedia]
* [ Kaboodle VPN Networkinfo and VNC]
* [ Windows Remote Assistance]
* [ Finding Transistor pins ]
If VMware tools won't update an earlier version of the display driver, uninstall VMware tools, reboot the machine and try again. This will work.
====Delete unnessesary snapshots====
* Choose VM > Snapshot > Snapshot Manager
Caution If a snapshot is used to create a clone, the snapshot becomes locked. If you delete a locked snapshot, the clones created from that snapshot no longer operate.
====Resize disk====
* "c:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmware-vdiskmanager.exe" -x 8GB -t 0 <diskname>"
After running vmware-vdiskmanager.exe you get this message:
WARNING: If the virtual disk is partitioned, you must use a third-party
          utility in the virtual machine to expand the size of the
          partitions. For more information, see:

You can resize the partition with diskpart.exe, it is a part of XP and Vista. Because Diskpart.exe won't repartition the system drive we need to mount the disk on another VMware machine and boot this helper machine.<br>
On the helper machine follow these instructions bus select disk 1 instead of 0.<br>
* [[How to resize partitions on Windows Vista]]
* [ Expand the size of a VMware virtual hard disk file when it runs out of space]
* [ Carl Tyler's Blog - Increase the size of your VMWare disk drive (the comments is most interesting)]
* [ Leon Meijer's Weblog - Resize a VMWare disk]
==Fysik forsøg==
* [ Bogen om energien]
==Audio C#==
====WinMM (Skal vist rettes lidt til)====
On Windows Mobile, all waveform audio function are implemented in 'coredll.dll'. Use this DLL instead of 'winmm.dll'
* [ Waveform Audio]
This Powerpoint presentation gives an overview and tells you how to enable debug traces.
* [ Windows XP Audio Architecture Overview]
* [ User-Mode WDM Audio Components]
====Managed Direct Sound====
* [ DirectSound - Wikipedia (In Windows Vista DirectSound is not direct!)]
* [ Direct Sound Tutorial Index]
* [ LoaderLock was detected]
====Managed DirectX====
* [ The .NET Show: Managed DirectX]
* [ The .NET Show: Managed DirectX - 300k]
* [ Managed DirectX - Wikipedia]
====Microsoft XNA====
* [ Microsoft XNA]
* [ Beginning Game Development: Part I – Introduction]
* [ Introduction to XNA: The Microsoft 2D and 3D Game Development Platform]
* [ Microsoft XNA - Wikipedia]
====Windows Mobile and CE====
* [ Waveform Audio API for windows CE]
====General information====
* [ Windows Hardware Developer Central]
* [ Device Fundamentals - Audio Device Technologies for Windows]
* [ Lovpligtig skiltning med kilopriser]
==Windows file security - ACL (Access Control List) how ACL's works and tools to change them==
* [ SetACL freee tool to manage permissions (ACLs) on Win32 systems from the command line or your programs/scripts. Supports all options available in Explorer, and more.]
* [ SetAcl usage examples]
* [ New ACLs Improve Security in Windows Vista]
* [ Tools for Managing ACLs]
==WEB mail==
* [ Outlook Webmail Add-in for Windows Home Server]
==How the Recycle Bin Works==
* [ Recycle Bin and File Recovery]
==Alternative anvendelser for en Wii remote==
* [ Whiteboard]
* [ Managed Library for Nintendo's Wiimote]
* [ WiiEarth -- Wiimote Interface for Virtual Earth]
* [ Wiimote Controlled Car]
==Modifying NES Controllers for Wii and XBOX==
* [ Wireless/Wii Hack for SNES and NES Controllers]
* [ HOW-TO: Make a Nintendo controller into a PC Joystick]
==Dell CPx==
Keyboard 8ik
* [ How to fix the 8ik problem]
==Digitalt TV kladde==
* [ Digitalt TV på din Computer?]
==B&K Pen Plotter==
VERMES Technik
* [ Penne til B&K Pen Plotter]
==TV Reperation==
* [ Henriksens Elektronik tips til at reperere TV]
==Hydronic motorvarmer vil ikke starte==
Hydronic motorvarmer vil ikke starte.
Det er sandsynligvis fordi blæseren er groet fast.
Prøv at banke forsigtigt motorvarmeren med en hammer (brug evt. en træpind som forlænger hvis man ikke kan komme til).
Du skal starte motorvarmeren først og banke de første 3 minutter derefter, eller indtil den starter.
Hvis det ikke lykkes så sluk den, og prøv igen senere.
Grunden til at det skal være de første 3 minutter, er at den selv opgiver at starte hvis det ikke lykkes i løbet af 3 minutter.
Værksteder som monterer og laver service på Hydronic motorvarmere:
* [ Søborg Auto Elektro]
Kage fra Mysos i Lyngby.
===Saganaki (Stegt ost)===
Kerrygold Regato ost
Skæres i skiver ca. 10 cm * 10 cm * 7 mm.
Skylles i vand
Vendes i mel
Vendes i æg
Vendes i rasp
Steges i magarine
Kerrygold Regato is a hard Italian type cheese, characterised by its piquant flavour and a dry, firm texture and light creamy colour. Add to this its versatility, this cheese is excellent for use on pizzas, jacket potatoes, quiches, in pastas and cheese pies. Regato is also used by Greek chefs in Saganaki, a popular Greek appetiser. This salty and aromatic cheese-based appetiser of fried or broiled cheese is served with lemon juice and crusty bread. Occasionally brandy is added as a flambé, to which the Greeks shout 'Opa'!
[ SCIgen - An Automatic CS Paper Generator]
==Vista Tips and Tricks==
* [ ReadyBoost - Using Your USB Key to Speed Up Windows Vista]
* [ ReadyBoost Q&A]
==Peering mellem internetudbydere==
* [ Internettets opbygning]
* [ DR Update]
* [ Telia giver Redspot kunder problemer]
* [ Telestatistik - 2. halvår 2006. Orientering om resultaterne]
===Spy on what installing a program does to your system===
InCtrl5 is a PC Magazine's utility that monitors the changes made to your system when you install new software.
* [,1759,9882,00.asp InCtrl5]
* [ Total Uninstall - like InCtrl5 30 days trial]
==UML Tools==
* [ UModel® 2008]
* [ DotNet2Uml]
uml2svg is an XSLT-based tool for converting XMI-compliant UML Diagrams into SVG.
* [ uml2svg]
==Benchmark tools for SD cards==
VFSMark, cardspeed, Pocket Mechanics
==Send Anonymous mail==
* []
==Gratis spil på din hjemmeside==
* []
==Updates for Windows 98==
* [ UNOFFICIAL Windows98 Second Edition Service Pack 2.1a (Freeware)]
==The Best Free Software (Skal testes først)==
* [ The top 12 free programs that you should have on a Windows computer]
* [ tsWebEditor med Tidy syntax checker]
* [ RegEditX]
* [ Registry Crawler not free men very usefull togeter with RegEditX]
* [ RegmagiK Freeware]
===Not free software it is only shareware===
====Magic ISO Maker====
Use magic ISO to create .iso images to save on harddisk.
* [ MagicISO]
===Profiling tools===
ProfileSharp is an open source .NET code, performance and memory profiling software.<br>
It helps you pinpoint performance bottlenecks in your .NET code and optimize memory usage.<br>
ProfileSharp 1.3 only works if you have .NET 1.1. It could give problems
* [ Soft Prodigy - ProfileSharp]
====CLR Profiler for the .NET Framework====
CLR Profiler for the .NET Framework.
* [ CLR Profiler for the .NET Framework 2.0]
Microsofts page about Performance tools.
* [ Performance - Microsoft]
* [ The Open Source Development Environment for .NET]
===Browser extentions===
IE7Pro is a must have add-on for Internet Explorer, which includes a lot of features and tweaks to make your IE friendlier, more useful, secure and customizable.
It only exists in a 32 bit version, but the default Internet Explorer on Vista x64 is 32 bit because a lot off other stuff like Adobe Flash player also only exist in 32 bit versions.
* [ IE7Pro's homepage]
IE7Pro checks spelling errors while composing mails, blog entries or any text area entries using the spellchecking engine from OpenOffice. Supports up to 16 languages.<br>
You can download spell check dictionaries using the program called '''Standalone spelling check dictionary for IE7Pro'''. It can be found on [ IE7Pro's download page].
Run the setup program and select the language(s) you want to add. If you want to add more later, just rerun the setup.
Language switching is controlled from the right click menu when editing.
More languages can be added or updated to the spell checker's dictionary if downloaded from here:
* [ Dictionaries]
Just copy the files. IE7Pro stores dictionaries in C:\Program Files\IEPro\spelldic.
* [ Scripts for IE7Pro]
====Download and convert from Youtube====
* [ Description YoutubeDownloadAndConvert-Firefox.exe (Virker også med IE7)]
* [ Download YoutubeDownloadAndConvert-Firefox.exe (Virker også med IE7)]
Efter at have installeret YoutubeDownloadAndConvert får man denne side op.
* [ Free FLV (Flash) video converter for iPod, Zune or Windows Media Player.]
==Recode Video==
* [ MediaCoder] Not open source anymore - be aware of adware during installation!
==The Best Free Software you can get==
Google: Browser Helper Objects c#
==Cirkulations pumper==
* [$File/energimarkning.pdf Grundfoss reklame for A Pumpe]
Valiant VP 5-ZE 15 PC
Vaillant VP5-ZE
Søg på: valliant strømforbrug
* [,%20august%202003.pdf Sammenligning af fyr]
* [ Lumisoft Downloads]
* [ RTP_Session Class] Peter Brun Madsen
MV370 VoIP GSM gateway
Portec Portek ???
==IP Tools==
* [ VisualRoute Se hvilken vej din trafik routes]
==Golf IV==
Original low-beam lamps.
Philips lamp type number: 12972 Technical number (ECE): H7
* [ Discover our best lighting products for your car]
==64 bit Vista==
* [ 64bit - x64 - Home]
* [ Windows Vista Benchmark: 64-Bit Faster Than 32-Bit]
* [ Brug Kulturen - Forslag til firma arrangementer]
* [ Er der Bøller i Bøllemosen?]
* [ Velkommen til Historisk-topografisk Selskab for Søllerødegnen]
==Få dine link på andre sites==
* [ Google indeks over mest besøgte danske portaler]
* [ LINK2.DK - Her kan man selv tilføje sit link]
* [ Her kan man også selv tilføje et link]
* [ Open Directory Project er det største og mest omfattende menneske redigerede katalog på Internettet. Det opbygges og vedligeholdes af et stort globalt samfund af frivillige redaktører.]
==Studio 2008==
* [ Auto-generated manifest has incorrect assemblyIdentity]
* [,GGLC:1970-01,GGLC:en OUZU]
* [ Fava]
Græsk aperitif
===Forretter - ΟΡΕΚΤΙΚΑ===
* [ Saganaki - Σαγανάκι]
* [ Fava - Φάβα: Purée of Yellow Split Peas]
* [ Fava]
===Hovedretter - ΚΥΡΙΑ ΠΙΑΤΑ===
* [ Stifado - Στιφάδο]
* [  Stifado - Στιφάδο ***]
* [ Camilla Plum's Stifado]
* [ Stort kort oversat til Engelsk]
* [ En anden oversat til Engelsk]
* [ Greek Food Glossary and Definitions - On the Menu at Greek Restaurants]
* []
* []
* []
Chikade ακρίδα
* [,GGLC:1970-01,GGLC:en%26sa%3DN Cikade]
* [ Krydderiordbog mange sprog]
Harry Potter
* [ Hjemmelavet Panfløjte]
* [ Using Cain and the AirPcap USB adapter to crack WPA/WPA2]
* [ Intro to the AirPcap USB adapter, Wireshark, and using Cain to crack WEP]
* [ AirPcap]
* [ Wardriving Tools, Wardriving Software, Wardriving Utilities]
* [ Cain & Abel]
==Control Panel==
[[Image:Did this control panel work correctly.jpg]]
* [ Vista doesn't like my Control panel applet]
==Did the program work correctly?==
* [ Running Programs in Windows® Vista Using Compatibility Mode]
==Group Policy Object Editor==
Start - Run gpedit.msc
* [ Policies]
* [ GroupPolicyRefreshTime]
* [ another link]
==Vista Activation SkipRearm==
* [ How Sysprep Works]
* [ SkipRearm: Use Vista indefinitely long without activation]
* [ Another reported workaround ineffective...]
* [ Does the Skiprearm hack really work to extend the Vista activation?]
* [ Københavns befæstning i Gentofte med billede og kort]
==Kort==* [ Tryk over Kongens Enghave ved Franz Sedivy 1916]
Sedivy, Franz Josef Poul, f. 1888, Maler. F. 26. Nov. 1888 paa Fr.berg. Forældre: Tegner og Litograf Franz Maria S. (s. d.) og 1. Hustru. Gift 1. Maj 1914 i Kbh. med Rigmor Carla Ingrid Jensen, f. 20. Nov. 1893 i Kbh., D. af Slagtermester Frederik Larsen J. og Thomasine Kristine Christiansen.
Uddannelse: Gennemgik Fr.berg Tekn. Sk. 1905-09, Tekn. Sk., Kbh., 1908-09 under H. Grønvold samt Skolen for dansk Kunsthaandværk 1913 under Jens Møller-Jensen. Stipendier: Ronge 1913. Rejser: 1928 Tyskland; 1930 Frankrig. Udstillinger: Sep.udst. i Kbh. 1919 (Tegn. og Akvareller især med orientalske Motiver s. m. A. Søborg Ohlsen), Stockholm, Gavle og Kristiania 1920.
Sedivy har udført forsk. Restaureringsarbejder for Nationalmuseet ml. 1934 og 48 (bl. a. Inka-Tapetet, Fajancer, Bondestuerpaa Folkemus. og i Frilandsmus.), Dekorationsarbejder bl. a. pas Herregaarden Svanholm (1936) og Museet pas Hjerl Hede (1938). Har desuden udført Teaterdekorationer bl. a. til Betty Nansens Teater (omkr. 1932), Det Ny Teater og Det kgl. Teater. Siden 1945 har S., der allerede tidligere havde udført en Del Byvaaben og lign. heraldiske Arbejder, været Vaabenmaler ved det Kgl. Ordenskapitel. Han har forfattet en Afhandling om Heraldik
til Bogen: Malerarbejde i Praksis, ved Bahne Preisler (1948).  H.S.H.
Berl. Tid. 3. Jan. 1919; H. P. Hansen: Blade af Kyndby og Krogstrup Sogns Historiebog, 1941; Finn Hjerl-Hansen: En dansk Naturpark, 1941; Dansk Familieblad 30. April 1948.
Sedivy, Franz Maria, 1864-1945, Tegner og Litograf. F. 2. Dec. 1864 i Prag, d. 20. April 1945 paa Fr.berg, Urne paa Søndermark. Forældre: Xylograf Franz Joseph Xaver S. og Therese Josephine Sadlo. Broder til Karel S. (s. d.). Gift 1° 3. Maj 1889 paa Fr.berg med Anna Amalie Caroline Marie Magdalene Kæmmer, f. 27. Dec. 1869 i Utterslev Sogn, Nørre Herred, Lolland, d. 7. Juni 1939 i Kbh., D. af Tømrer Hans Carl Balduin K. og Bertha Nielsen. Ægteskabet opløst. 2 ° 2. Aug. 1919 paa Fr.berg med Doris Anna Poulsen, f. 2. Marts 1876 i Kbh., D. af Cigarsorterer Harald P. og Nielsine Antoinette Wadum.
Uddannelse: S., hvis Fader var indvandret fra Bøhmen, blev udlært som Litograf i 1883 hos Hoffensberg & Trap, Kbh.; besøgte samtidig Tekn. Sk. og Akad., hvor han blev opt. i Alm. Forb.kl. Jan. 1882. Rejaer: Foretog en Mængde Rejser til Norge, Sverige, Tyskland, Holland, Belgien, Frankrig (8 G.), Svejts, Italien, Grækenland, Tyrkiet, Østrig og U.S.A. (2 G.).
Franz Sedivy debuterede 1884 som Tegner i Ill. Tidende med en Tegning af Chr.borg Slots
Brand og har senere udført en lang Række Billeder af aktuelle Begivenheder til Nutiden,
Nordstjernen, Ill. Familie Journal (1895-1911) og Hjemmet. Ogsaa for Dagspressen (Poli-
tiken og Berl. Tidende) har han arbejdet. For Alfred Jacobsens litografiske Etablissement
har han udført Litografier bl. a. en Del Dukketeaterdekorationer. S. er bedst kendt for sine
Panoramaer i Fugleperspektiv af Byer (Kbh.1889, Stockholm, Berlin, Hamborg, Amsterdam, Haag, Venedig, Konstantinopel) og af Udstillinger (fx Kbh. 1888, Stockholm 1897, Paris 1900, St. Louis 1904, Milano 1906) ligesom af en Mængde Turistkort, Perspektiver af Fabrikker, Plakater (bl. a. Tivoli1937) o. lign. I denne Genre havde han specialiseret sig og ved sin Flid og Nøjagtighed naaet stor Korrekthed. -J Akvarel paa Fr.borg. Til William Haste: Strandvejen, dens Huse og Mennesker (1930) har han udført Tegningerne.  H.S.H.
Berl. Tid.s Søndagsnr. 7. Juni 1931 og 28. April 1940; Berl. Tid. 28. Nov. 1939 (Int.); 22. April 1945; Dag. Nyh. 21. Sept. 1933 (Int.); Pol. 23. Sept. 1933; 22. April 1945; Arthur (l. Hasse: Danske Exlibris, 1942.
==Trusted Sites==
* [ Adding Sites to the Enhanced Security Configuration Zones with a Registry Merge]

* [ Græske opskrifter]
* [ Græske opskrifter]
* [ Æblechutney]
* [ Æblechutney med hvidløg]
==4 GB Memory in a PC==
* [ 3GB or 4GB - a 'Virtual' Memory Upgrade]

==NVIDIA drivere for NVIDIA Quadro NVS 110M==
==NVIDIA drivere for NVIDIA Quadro NVS 110M==

Latest revision as of 09:44, 20 January 2017

Cisco 7940


Dell E6400

Toshiba Protege 3500

Windows Vista SP2

TCP half-open connection limit

Vista won't sleep

'Away mode' is enabled.

Have a look in Control Panel -> System and Maintenance -> Power Options -> Change when the computer sleeps -> Change advanced power settings -> Multimedia settings. From here you can allow the computer to sleep, not sleep, or not idle to sleep.

VPN Problemer

  1. Add the domain controllers ip address to "Allow file and printer sharing exception" so <domaincontroller ip>,LocalSubnet
  2. Add domain controllers ip as the DNS server to be used when dialling the VPN connection.

On vista

  1. In Regional settings select the Administrative tab and use the Copy to reserved accounts button, to make the logon window use the correct keyboard layout.
  2. Create the dialup connection so everyone can use it, it can't be changed afterwards

netsh firewall show state


Windows Server 2003 general stuff

Events and Webcasts

Group Policies

Here is an overview of what to do when getting Vista clients in an Server 2003 environment

Policied won't deploy over VPN connections



Windows Firewall: Allow file and printer sharing exception
UDP ports 137 and 138, and TCP ports 139 and 445
netsh firewall show currentprofile

Anti-Virus Software

Murgh Makhani, fra Delhi (Indisk Butter Chicken)

Kylling med smørsauce (Murgh Makhani, fra Delhi)

Indledende ord fra forfatteren:

Kyllingemakhani, lavet enten med Tikkas - ordet stammer fra hinduordet Tukra og betyder små, benfri stykker - eller med kvarte kyllinger er den mest populære ret på indiske restaurenter både i og uden for Indien. Det er en typisk restaurationsret og ikke en familieret, fordi der ikke findes tandoors i de indiske hjems køkkener, o gretten består af tandoori-tilberedt kød i en sauce. Siden retten nu er så populr, er der mange der gerne vil kunne lave den hjemme, og jeg angiver her en forenklet metode, hvor kyllingen bliver tilberedt i en sauterpande eller i en tykbundet gryde. Det er også muligt at marinere en hel lille kylling, skære den i kvarter og stegen den. I så fald kommer man stegeskyen fra panden i makhanisaucen. Retten blev opfundet i 1950'erne i Moti Mahal restauranten i Delhi, hvor kokkene lavede saucen ved at komme smør og tomater i den kyllingesaft, der var tilbage i de store marineringsfade, hvori de marinerede de hundredevis af portioner tandoori-kylling, som restauranten serverede hver eneste dag....


Til fire...

900 g kylling (i kvarte eller mindre stykker med ben men uden skind - eller stykker uden ben (tikkas)) 4-5 spsk olie.

Til marinaden: 4 dl sødmælksyoghurt 6 fed hvidløg 1cm frisk ingefær 1 lille tsk rødt chilipulver eller paprika 1/4 tsk stødt koriander ½ tsk stødt spidskommen 1 tsk garam masalapulver 1 nip tandoori farvepulver (kan udelades) ½ tsk salt 2 tsk limesaft

Til Makhanisaucen: 700 g tomater ½ tsk tørrede bukkehornsblade (kasuri methi) 75 g. iskoldt smør ½ tsk paprika et par dråber eddike 1/4 tsk garam masalapulver salt 3 spsk fløde 13%

1. Start med at lave marinaden. Hæld yoghurten i gele eller ostekælde eller et par kaffefiltre, som du albringer i en si, så vallen kan løbe fra. Blend hvidløg sammen med ingefær. rør denne puré og marinadekrydderierne i den afdryppede yoghurt sammen med salt og limesaft. Bland det hele godt.

2. Skold tomaterne til mahkanisaucen og flå dem. Mos dem groft med en gaffel eller kartoffelmoser. Mal de tørrede bukkehornsblade til pulver i en kaffe eller krydderimølle.

3. Hvis du bruger kyllingestykker med ben i, skal de snittes flere steder. Læg dem i marinaden og lad dem trække mindst en time, hellere to, og allerhelst natten over.

4. Når du er klar til at lave retten, varmer du olien i en stor tykbundet sauterpande og kommer kyllingen i sammen med marinaden. Læg låg på, skru ned for varmen og lad kødet snurre til det er mørt. Vend stykkerne et par gange.

5. Hæld tomatsaucen i en pande og lad den koge i ca 5 minutter, til noget af væden er fordampet.

6. Tilsæt det iskolde smør sammen med paprika. Når smørret er smeltet må saucen koge i præcis 1 minut, ikke længere. Smag på den. Hvis den ikke er syrlig, kan du smage den til med liddt eddike. Kom de stødte bukkehornsblade og garam masalapulveret i og smag til med salt. Efter 30 sekunders forløb rører du fløden i og saucen er færdig. Hæld den i sauterpanden, bland den odt med kyllingestykkerne og server retten med det samme.

Hvis smør koger tre minutter eller læggere vil det blive til ghee og danne grynet bundfald. Derfor det det vigtigt at tilsætte iskoldt smør og koge i mindre end to minutter efter det er smeltet.

Du kan tilberede kyllingen i forvejen, men mahkanisaucen skal ubetinget laves lige før serveringen - det tager også kun 5-6 minutter. Du kan koge tomatmosen i forvejen, men vent med at tilsætte smøret til sidste øjeblik.

I Indien balnder restaurationskokkene lidt rå papaya-puré i marinaden for at mørne kødet.

Kilde: Fra de indiske køkken af Cammelia Panjabi, side 92-93.

Morse code ringtone generator

Free SPAM filters

Obfuscate and Deobfuscate

Uninstall .NET Framework

Reset password på XP og Vista

Explorer uses 50% CPU and fan keeps running

Try to remove shortcuts in:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts
The CPU usage will stop immediately.

Opdateringer og hotfixes til Vista

SmartCard Reader



Hauppauge analog tuners API

Hauppauge secret interfaces

DVB tuner signal strength

Vista Firewall

Visual J++ to C# converters

They only work in Visual Studio 2003 and are found in "File - Open - Convert"].
The java code must be in a J++ project to be converted.



Speech generating software

Speech generators


System Tray


Page is gone but can be found here


Sørens utilities

CD - DVD quality test

.NET 3.5 SP1 and NDepend

Real-Time Systems and Microsoft Windows NT

Program DirectShow from C#


MediaWiki Nye ting der skal med på Yggenyk

USB Sniffer

Free with sourcecode.

C# .NET coding examples for USB ports.

What memory is right for my PC

This memory configurator can help finding the right type of memory also if you want to buy from another manufactor.

Via EPIA M Series Motherboard Details


Via EPIA 800 Details

  • PC133 SDRAM up tp 2*512MB very expensive


This article also mentions versioning


Glitches in Windows Audio

Kernal Streaming

This paper provides information about the WaveRT (wave real-time) port driver for the Windows® family of operating systems. It includes guidelines for audio hardware vendors to develop WaveRT miniport drivers for their audio devices. This information applies for the Windows Vista® operating system.

Søg på "A Wave Port Driver for Real-Time Audio Streaming" så finder man mere


Set a global define of PAWIN_USE_WDMKS_DEVICE_INFO, add os/win/pa_win_wdmks_utils.c to your project (and your headers path), (and link with ksguid.lib  ??)

OSR Online - Everything Windows Driver Development

Windows Driver Kit: Audio Devices


Misc audio

Latency in Windows Audio

NAudio is a open source library of useful audio related classes intended to speed development of audio related utilities in .NET.
NAudio Features

Søg på windows sound card latency registry buffer driver

Telephone test systems

Programming with timers in Windows

Problems combining Outlook 2003 and Office 2008

Alternativ Energi


Quality Tools


Drawing With WPF

Hauppauge Power Supply

Serial port 19200 baud logging Skriver ved boot: *1010GV39 CPU AM186

RAM gm71c16160ct6

Flash Am29F160D,,14883_1447_1629_1472,00.html

Netværkstrafo TG75-1406N

Netværkschip RTL8019AS


Telefon Manual AT command Set Oversigt over forskellige modeller

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Remote Assistance and VPN



If VMware tools won't update an earlier version of the display driver, uninstall VMware tools, reboot the machine and try again. This will work.

Delete unnessesary snapshots

  • Choose VM > Snapshot > Snapshot Manager

Caution If a snapshot is used to create a clone, the snapshot becomes locked. If you delete a locked snapshot, the clones created from that snapshot no longer operate.

Resize disk

  • "c:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmware-vdiskmanager.exe" -x 8GB -t 0 <diskname>"

After running vmware-vdiskmanager.exe you get this message:

WARNING: If the virtual disk is partitioned, you must use a third-party
         utility in the virtual machine to expand the size of the
         partitions. For more information, see:

You can resize the partition with diskpart.exe, it is a part of XP and Vista. Because Diskpart.exe won't repartition the system drive we need to mount the disk on another VMware machine and boot this helper machine.
On the helper machine follow these instructions bus select disk 1 instead of 0.

Fysik forsøg

Audio C#

WinMM (Skal vist rettes lidt til)

On Windows Mobile, all waveform audio function are implemented in 'coredll.dll'. Use this DLL instead of 'winmm.dll'

This Powerpoint presentation gives an overview and tells you how to enable debug traces.

Managed Direct Sound

Managed DirectX

Microsoft XNA

Windows Mobile and CE

General information


Windows file security - ACL (Access Control List) how ACL's works and tools to change them

WEB mail

How the Recycle Bin Works

Alternative anvendelser for en Wii remote

Modifying NES Controllers for Wii and XBOX

Dell CPx

Keyboard 8ik

Digitalt TV kladde

B&K Pen Plotter

VERMES Technik

TV Reperation

Hydronic motorvarmer vil ikke starte

Hydronic motorvarmer vil ikke starte. Det er sandsynligvis fordi blæseren er groet fast. Prøv at banke forsigtigt på motorvarmeren med en hammer (brug evt. en træpind som forlænger hvis man ikke kan komme til). Du skal starte motorvarmeren først og banke de første 3 minutter derefter, eller indtil den starter. Hvis det ikke lykkes så sluk den, og prøv igen senere. Grunden til at det skal være de første 3 minutter, er at den selv opgiver at starte hvis det ikke lykkes i løbet af 3 minutter.

Værksteder som monterer og laver service på Hydronic motorvarmere:



Kage fra Mysos i Lyngby.

Saganaki (Stegt ost)

Kerrygold Regato ost Skæres i skiver ca. 10 cm * 10 cm * 7 mm. Skylles i vand Vendes i mel Vendes i æg Vendes i rasp Steges i magarine

Kerrygold Regato is a hard Italian type cheese, characterised by its piquant flavour and a dry, firm texture and light creamy colour. Add to this its versatility, this cheese is excellent for use on pizzas, jacket potatoes, quiches, in pastas and cheese pies. Regato is also used by Greek chefs in Saganaki, a popular Greek appetiser. This salty and aromatic cheese-based appetiser of fried or broiled cheese is served with lemon juice and crusty bread. Occasionally brandy is added as a flambé, to which the Greeks shout 'Opa'!


SCIgen - An Automatic CS Paper Generator

Vista Tips and Tricks

Peering mellem internetudbydere

Spy on what installing a program does to your system

InCtrl5 is a PC Magazine's utility that monitors the changes made to your system when you install new software.

UML Tools


uml2svg is an XSLT-based tool for converting XMI-compliant UML Diagrams into SVG.

Benchmark tools for SD cards

VFSMark, cardspeed, Pocket Mechanics

Send Anonymous mail

Gratis spil på din hjemmeside

Updates for Windows 98

The Best Free Software (Skal testes først)

Not free software it is only shareware

Magic ISO Maker

Use magic ISO to create .iso images to save on harddisk.

Profiling tools


ProfileSharp is an open source .NET code, performance and memory profiling software.
It helps you pinpoint performance bottlenecks in your .NET code and optimize memory usage.
ProfileSharp 1.3 only works if you have .NET 1.1. It could give problems

CLR Profiler for the .NET Framework

CLR Profiler for the .NET Framework.

Microsofts page about Performance tools.

Browser extentions


IE7Pro is a must have add-on for Internet Explorer, which includes a lot of features and tweaks to make your IE friendlier, more useful, secure and customizable. It only exists in a 32 bit version, but the default Internet Explorer on Vista x64 is 32 bit because a lot off other stuff like Adobe Flash player also only exist in 32 bit versions.

IE7Pro checks spelling errors while composing mails, blog entries or any text area entries using the spellchecking engine from OpenOffice. Supports up to 16 languages.

You can download spell check dictionaries using the program called Standalone spelling check dictionary for IE7Pro. It can be found on IE7Pro's download page.

Run the setup program and select the language(s) you want to add. If you want to add more later, just rerun the setup.

Language switching is controlled from the right click menu when editing.

More languages can be added or updated to the spell checker's dictionary if downloaded from here:

Just copy the files. IE7Pro stores dictionaries in C:\Program Files\IEPro\spelldic.

Download and convert from Youtube

Efter at have installeret YoutubeDownloadAndConvert får man denne side op.

Recode Video

  • MediaCoder Not open source anymore - be aware of adware during installation!

The Best Free Software you can get

Google: Browser Helper Objects c#

Cirkulations pumper

Valiant VP 5-ZE 15 PC Vaillant VP5-ZE Søg på: valliant strømforbrug

VOIP Peter Brun Madsen

MV370 VoIP GSM gateway

Portec Portek ???


IP Tools

Golf IV

Original low-beam lamps.

Philips lamp type number: 12972 Technical number (ECE): H7

64 bit Vista



Få dine link på andre sites

Studio 2008


Græsk aperitif

Forretter - ΟΡΕΚΤΙΚΑ

Hovedretter - ΚΥΡΙΑ ΠΙΑΤΑ





Chikade ακρίδα



Harry Potter Forsøg



Control Panel

Did this control panel work correctly.jpg

Did the program work correctly?

Group Policy Object Editor

Start - Run gpedit.msc

Vista Activation SkipRearm


Kort* Tryk over Kongens Enghave ved Franz Sedivy 1916

Sedivy, Franz Josef Poul, f. 1888, Maler. F. 26. Nov. 1888 paa Fr.berg. Forældre: Tegner og Litograf Franz Maria S. (s. d.) og 1. Hustru. Gift 1. Maj 1914 i Kbh. med Rigmor Carla Ingrid Jensen, f. 20. Nov. 1893 i Kbh., D. af Slagtermester Frederik Larsen J. og Thomasine Kristine Christiansen.

Uddannelse: Gennemgik Fr.berg Tekn. Sk. 1905-09, Tekn. Sk., Kbh., 1908-09 under H. Grønvold samt Skolen for dansk Kunsthaandværk 1913 under Jens Møller-Jensen. Stipendier: Ronge 1913. Rejser: 1928 Tyskland; 1930 Frankrig. Udstillinger: Sep.udst. i Kbh. 1919 (Tegn. og Akvareller især med orientalske Motiver s. m. A. Søborg Ohlsen), Stockholm, Gavle og Kristiania 1920.

Sedivy har udført forsk. Restaureringsarbejder for Nationalmuseet ml. 1934 og 48 (bl. a. Inka-Tapetet, Fajancer, Bondestuerpaa Folkemus. og i Frilandsmus.), Dekorationsarbejder bl. a. pas Herregaarden Svanholm (1936) og Museet pas Hjerl Hede (1938). Har desuden udført Teaterdekorationer bl. a. til Betty Nansens Teater (omkr. 1932), Det Ny Teater og Det kgl. Teater. Siden 1945 har S., der allerede tidligere havde udført en Del Byvaaben og lign. heraldiske Arbejder, været Vaabenmaler ved det Kgl. Ordenskapitel. Han har forfattet en Afhandling om Heraldik

til Bogen: Malerarbejde i Praksis, ved Bahne Preisler (1948). H.S.H.

Berl. Tid. 3. Jan. 1919; H. P. Hansen: Blade af Kyndby og Krogstrup Sogns Historiebog, 1941; Finn Hjerl-Hansen: En dansk Naturpark, 1941; Dansk Familieblad 30. April 1948.

Sedivy, Franz Maria, 1864-1945, Tegner og Litograf. F. 2. Dec. 1864 i Prag, d. 20. April 1945 paa Fr.berg, Urne paa Søndermark. Forældre: Xylograf Franz Joseph Xaver S. og Therese Josephine Sadlo. Broder til Karel S. (s. d.). Gift 1° 3. Maj 1889 paa Fr.berg med Anna Amalie Caroline Marie Magdalene Kæmmer, f. 27. Dec. 1869 i Utterslev Sogn, Nørre Herred, Lolland, d. 7. Juni 1939 i Kbh., D. af Tømrer Hans Carl Balduin K. og Bertha Nielsen. Ægteskabet opløst. 2 ° 2. Aug. 1919 paa Fr.berg med Doris Anna Poulsen, f. 2. Marts 1876 i Kbh., D. af Cigarsorterer Harald P. og Nielsine Antoinette Wadum.

Uddannelse: S., hvis Fader var indvandret fra Bøhmen, blev udlært som Litograf i 1883 hos Hoffensberg & Trap, Kbh.; besøgte samtidig Tekn. Sk. og Akad., hvor han blev opt. i Alm. Forb.kl. Jan. 1882. Rejaer: Foretog en Mængde Rejser til Norge, Sverige, Tyskland, Holland, Belgien, Frankrig (8 G.), Svejts, Italien, Grækenland, Tyrkiet, Østrig og U.S.A. (2 G.).

Franz Sedivy debuterede 1884 som Tegner i Ill. Tidende med en Tegning af Chr.borg Slots

Brand og har senere udført en lang Række Billeder af aktuelle Begivenheder til Nutiden,

Nordstjernen, Ill. Familie Journal (1895-1911) og Hjemmet. Ogsaa for Dagspressen (Poli-

tiken og Berl. Tidende) har han arbejdet. For Alfred Jacobsens litografiske Etablissement

har han udført Litografier bl. a. en Del Dukketeaterdekorationer. S. er bedst kendt for sine

Panoramaer i Fugleperspektiv af Byer (Kbh.1889, Stockholm, Berlin, Hamborg, Amsterdam, Haag, Venedig, Konstantinopel) og af Udstillinger (fx Kbh. 1888, Stockholm 1897, Paris 1900, St. Louis 1904, Milano 1906) ligesom af en Mængde Turistkort, Perspektiver af Fabrikker, Plakater (bl. a. Tivoli1937) o. lign. I denne Genre havde han specialiseret sig og ved sin Flid og Nøjagtighed naaet stor Korrekthed. -J Akvarel paa Fr.borg. Til William Haste: Strandvejen, dens Huse og Mennesker (1930) har han udført Tegningerne. H.S.H.

Berl. Tid.s Søndagsnr. 7. Juni 1931 og 28. April 1940; Berl. Tid. 28. Nov. 1939 (Int.); 22. April 1945; Dag. Nyh. 21. Sept. 1933 (Int.); Pol. 23. Sept. 1933; 22. April 1945; Arthur (l. Hasse: Danske Exlibris, 1942.

Trusted Sites


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NVIDIA drivere for NVIDIA Quadro NVS 110M

If you go to NVIDIA's homepage and try to look for a driver for a Dell Lattitude D620 with 'NVIDIA Quadro NVS 110M' graphic card you won't find anything that can be installed. If you try a driver for 'NVIDIA Quadro NVS' it wont install. If you try to look under beta drivers, you won't get any luck either, but might end up on this page:

It links to this page:

And from here you can install an Active X component that detects your type of graphic card and suggests a driver. If you try that it returns the following message:

Product Current Installed Driver Recommended Driver
NVIDIA Quadro NVS 110M 101.44 Dell requires that you download the driver for your GPU from their support site.

You can find more information at:

The GeForce Go mobile GPU use drivers that have been customized to support hot key functions, power management functions, lid close and suspend/resume behavior that are normally found in notebooks. The reference desktop graphic drivers that are provided by NVIDIA on our driver downloads page do not include these custom features. For this reason, the NVIDIA Forceware NVIDIA graphics display drivers will not install on most Geforce and Quadro family of mobile GPU's. Some newer laptops have been designed to work with our drivers. For more information click here.

No luck here too. Dell provides a driver from their download page, and if you are running Windows Vista x64 'Windows Update' provides another one.
