Editing How to use Windows clipboard in WPF applications
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WPF application using Clipboard.GetImage
<source lang="csharp"> using System.IO; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using Path = System.IO.Path;
namespace Clipboard_sample {
/// <summary> /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml /// </summary> public partial class MainWindow { public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); }
private void SaveClipboardUsingClipboardGetImage() { var data = Clipboard.GetDataObject(); if (data == null) { MessageBox.Show("Clipboard Empty !!"); return; } if (data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Bitmap)) { const string directory = @".\"; var name = _textBox.Text; name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && name.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) >= 0 ? "clipboard" : _textBox.Text;
var format = ((ListBoxItem) (_listBox.SelectedValue)).Content.ToString();
if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(directory, name + "." + format))) { MessageBox.Show("The target already exists"); } var image = Clipboard.GetImage(); if (image == null) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot get image from clipboard"); return; }
switch (format) { case "Jpeg": { image.SaveAsJpeg(Path.Combine(directory, name + "." + format)); break; } case "Bmp": { image.SaveAsBmp(Path.Combine(directory, name + "." + format)); break; } case "Gif": { image.SaveAsGif(Path.Combine(directory, name + "." + format)); break; } case "Png": { image.SaveAsPng(Path.Combine(directory, name + "." + format)); break; } case "Tiff": { image.SaveAsTiff(Path.Combine(directory, name + "." + format)); break; } } } else { MessageBox.Show("No imagine in Clipboard !!"); } }
private void _button_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SaveClipboardUsingClipboardGetImage(); } }
} </source>
<source lang="csharp"> using System.IO; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
namespace Clipboard_sample {
static class BitmapExtensions { public static void SaveAsJpeg(this BitmapSource bitmap, string path, int qualityLevel = 90) { using (var s = File.Create(path)) { var enc = new JpegBitmapEncoder { Frames = { BitmapFrame.Create(bitmap) }, QualityLevel = qualityLevel, }; enc.Save(s); } }
public static void SaveAsBmp(this BitmapSource bitmap, string path) { using (var s = File.Create(path)) { var enc = new BmpBitmapEncoder { Frames = { BitmapFrame.Create(bitmap) }, }; enc.Save(s); } }
public static void SaveAsPng(this BitmapSource bitmap, string path) { using (var s = File.Create(path)) { var enc = new PngBitmapEncoder { Frames = { BitmapFrame.Create(bitmap) }, }; enc.Save(s); } }
public static void SaveAsGif(this BitmapSource bitmap, string path) { using (var s = File.Create(path)) { var enc = new GifBitmapEncoder { Frames = { BitmapFrame.Create(bitmap) }, }; enc.Save(s); } }
public static void SaveAsTiff(this BitmapSource bitmap, string path) { using (var s = File.Create(path)) { var enc = new TiffBitmapEncoder { Frames = { BitmapFrame.Create(bitmap) }, }; enc.Save(s); } } }
} </source>
Windows Store App
Clipboard app sample This sample covers the following:
- How to copy and paste text
- How to copy and paste an image
- How to copy and paste files
- How to get the formats on the Clipboard
- How to detect changes to the Clipboard
- How to copy and paste text