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The Best Free Software you can get

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Recording streamed video

TubeMaster++ is an open source software by GgSofts.
It is a powerful tool which can capture multimedia files you are watching or listening from your internet browser (FLV,MP3,MP4).
Captured files can be saved directly on your computer or converted to other popular video or audio formats (AVI, MPEG, MP3, MP4, IPod, PSP ...).
Websites examples : YouTube, DailyMotion, MySpace, Google Videos, LastFM, Grooveshark and many others ...

PortableApps.com Tools to have on your usb stick

Uninstalling software

It's free and open source.


Virus scanners

Why pay for virus scanners when you can get this one for free!

If you are in doubt if a file contains virus you can always upload it to VirSCAN.org to get it validated by a lot of different virus scanners.

Vulnerability scanner

Remote control another PC

Remote Desktop

Bundled with windows

Tip - How to disconnect without locking remote screen

From commandline on the remote PC type: tscon tscon 1 /dest:console
or create a shortcut with the same command on the desktop of the remote computer

Attaches a user session to a remote desktop session.
TSCON {sessionid | sessionname} [/DEST:sessionname]
sessionid The ID of the session.
sessionname The name of the session.
/DEST:sessionname Connect the session to destination sessionname.
/PASSWORD:pw Password of user owning identified session.
/V Displays information about the actions performed.

LogMeIn Hamachi

Hamachi creates a VPN connection between the PC's.
Free and paid version here is the differences https://secure.logmein.com/products/hamachi/advantages.asp.


The person setting up the connection must have a Microsoft Passport or Live ID.





CD and DVD tools



Copy or create DVD's or CD's

ImgBurn is a lightweight CD / DVD / HD DVD / Blu-ray burning application that everyone should have in their toolkit!

DVDFab HD Decrypter

DVDFab HD Decrypter copies entire DVD movie to hard disk, and removes all the protections (CSS, RC, RCE, APS, UOPs and Sony ARccOS) while copying. It also comes with full HD-DVD and Blu-Ray support (Removes AACS).


Free DVD removes several protections from a DVD folder on the hard disk. It removes region code (RC), region code enhancement (RCE), analog copy protection, and user operation prohibitions (UOPs).

Syslog logging

Kiwi Syslog Daemon

If you need a logserver for your router or VOIP box (DD-WRT, PAP2 ...) you can install the Kiwi Syslog Daemon on a Windows PC.

Kiwi Log Viewer

Download flash .flv and .mp3 from websites

Program som kan konvertere til mpeg.

Giver fint resultat med MPG VCD (Mpeg1) som output 2-pass encoding.

Source control

Boot Disks

Undelete files


Fundet her sammen med andre tools: http://users.telenet.be/Robvdb/USBMemStick.htm

UML Diagramming


UML Pad is a CASE tool for UML diagrams design. It supports Use Case, Class, Sequence, State and Activity diagrams. It's free and open source.

E-Cad/EDA tools - Schematic Capture PCB design and Simulation


KiCad is a free open source package for schematic capture PCB design and interface to simulators (SPICE). It runs under Windows, various flavors of Linux and has been ported to the Mac OSX.




LTspice is a free high performance Spice III simulator from Analog Devices, it comes with schematic capture.

Drawing in 2D and 3D and Bitmap

Inkscape (vector)

An Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, or Xara X, using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format.

Blender (3D)

Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License.

Windows 32, Windows 64, Linux x86-32, Linux x86-64, Mac OS X, Solaris, Irix

Features and Gallery
Blender video tututials
Videos made with Blender
Blender tutorials

Gimp (bitmap)

GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.

GIMP is written and developed under X11 on UNIX platforms. But basically the same code also runs on MS Windows and Mac OS X.

Free Clip art

Desktop Publishing


Scribus is an Open Source program that brings award-winning professional page layout to desktops with a combination of "press-ready" output and new approaches to page layout. Underneath the modern and user friendly interface, Scribus supports professional publishing features, such as CMYK color, separations, Spot Colors, ICC color management and versatile PDF creation.

Platform: Linux/UNIX, Mac OS X, OS/2 Warp 4/eComStation and Windows

System Information and Debugging tools


Sourcecode can be found here:

Terminal emulation and telnet

Tera Term

Tera Term is an open source free software terminal emulator. It can run o both Vista and Vista 64 bit.

When you follow the links to download on the TeraTerm Project page click on the American flag if the page show up in Japanese Us.png

Disk Tools

Disk recovery

AOMEI Partition Assistant - Standard Edition
Freeware allows personal & commercial use and doesn't have any 3rd party program bundled

TestDisk is OpenSource software
TestDisk can:

Fix partition table, recover deleted partition
Recover FAT32 boot sector from its backup
Rebuild FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 boot sector
Fix FAT tables
Rebuild NTFS boot sector
Recover NTFS boot sector from its backup
Fix MFT using MFT mirror
Locate ext2/ext3/ext4 Backup SuperBlock
Undelete files from FAT, exFAT, NTFS and ext2 filesystem
Copy files from deleted FAT, exFAT, NTFS and ext2/ext3/ext4 partitions.

Disk cloneing and backup

These programs can backup an entire harddisk to an image file and later restore it.


Find out what program locks your file so you can't delete it.

HD Tune

Disk benchmark and error check.
Read the S.M.A.R.T information and see the condition of your hard disk.

Completely wipe disk so nobody can read it again


Q.: I've seen message "Can't load ultradfg driver!" on Windows Vista. I think that Vista is preventing this driver from loading because the signature check is enabled. How can I disable it?

A.: Thanks to Christopher Naegel for providing the following instructions:

  1. Open a command line with admin-rights:
  2. Start -> execute -> CMD (with admin rights).
  3. Type:
    bcdedit /set loadoptions "DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS"
    bcdedit /set nointegritychecks ON
  4. Close the command prompt and start group policy editor:
    Start -> execute -> gpedit.msc
  5. Go to:
    User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System ->
    Driver Installation -> Code Signing for device drivers
  6. Enable this policy and set it to Ignore state.

Network Tools



Network protocol analyzer for Windows and Unix that allows examination of data from a live network, or from a capture file on disk. It is free, easy to use and the best network analyzer you can get.

URL Snooper

URL Snooper captures all URL's your browser requests. Locates the multimedia (and all other) URL's so you can use them for direct download.

Text Editor



Why pay for a good text editor, when you can get the best for free.

Available in following languages:
Danish, Deutch, English, Espanõl, Français, Indonesian, Nederlands, Norwegian, Português, Português (do Brasil), Suomi, Svenska and many more languages can be downloaded from: http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/download.php.

Screen eximination



If you to find out why you can't delete a file because somenody is locking it.


Temporarily prevent a computer from entering sleep mode (Open Source).



Game Maker

Funny stuff

Pivot Stickfigure Animator

Create your own animated cartoons.

Play Music and Video


VLC media player can play almost anything.


AVIcodec is a free multimedia file analyser for Windows. It can tell you what codecs are needed to play an avi file. SOmetimes it also shows you how to find it.

Archive and Extract ZIP and other formats

7-Zip free file archiver use that instead of WinZip and WinRar.

Supported formats:
Packing / unpacking: 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 and TAR
Unpacking only: RAR, CAB, ISO, ARJ, LZH, CHM, Z, CPIO, RPM, DEB and NSIS
7-Zip is a winner in the SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards 2007 in two categories:
Best Project
Best Technical Design

Record all screen and audio activity

Clip Board Viewer

ClipMagic is a free clipboard extender (free for non-commercial use).
It hooks into the clipboard and shows what you have copied into the clipboard.
It can also capture from your screen, even a selectable area.

Create PDF files

PDFCreator easily creates PDFs from any Windows program. Use it like a printer in Word, StarCalc or any other Windows application.

Other sites with great software

Communicate with your mobile phone


gnokii allows you to communicate with your phone - SMS, Phonebook, Calendar, Call management, PIN, ringtone and logo handling.

Tools to recover your lost Password, Product Keys, Serial Numbers or CD Keys


Download ophcrack LiveCD, burn the CD and boot from it, and it will tell you all your Windows usernames and passwords.
Works with XP, Vista and Windows 7.

SIW System Information for Windows

SIW recovers Software Licenses (Product Keys / Serial Numbers / CD Key).

Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems. It allows easy recovery of various kind of passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted passwords using Dictionary, Brute-Force and Cryptanalysis attacks, recording VoIP conversations, decoding scrambled passwords, recovering wireless network keys, revealing password boxes, uncovering cached passwords and analyzing routing protocols. The program does not exploit any software vulnerabilities or bugs that could not be fixed with little effort. It covers some security aspects/weakness present in protocol's standards, authentication methods and caching mechanisms; its main purpose is the simplified recovery of passwords and credentials from various sources, however it also ships some "non standard" utilities for Microsoft Windows users.

AIDA32 (discontinued)

Everest-Home-Edition (the successor of AIDA32 - this link is the last free version available now Everest is not free anymore)


Dependency Walker

Dependency Walker is a free utility that scans any 32-bit or 64-bit Windows module (exe, dll, ocx, sys, etc.) and builds a hierarchical tree diagram of all dependent modules.

Just for fun

Frets On Fire

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