Fyldte æg med ansjos

From Yggenyk
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  • 2 æg
  • 1 ansjos (dvs to filetter)
  • 1 tsk kapers
  • 1 tsk sennep
  • 1 tsk finthakket løg
  • 3 tsk piskefløde


Kog æggene i 8 minutter, pil og halver dem.
Blommen tages ud og blandes med finthakket ansjoser, finthakket løg, hakket kapers og sennep.
Konsistensen justeres med en smule piskefløde.

Fyld blandingen i hviderne, og pynte med en kapers og servere.

Hårdkogte æg med grøn sauce

En velsmagende, attraktiv måde at servere hårdkogte æg, hvis æggeblommer, efter kogning, blandes med en pikant grøn sauce.


  • 6 store æg
  • 2 spsk jomfru oliven oile
  • ½ spsk hakkede kapers
  • 1 spsk hakket persille
  • 3 ansjoser (dvs 6 filetter)
  • ¼ tsk presset eller finthakket garlic
  • ¼ tsk Dijon sennep
  • lidt finthakket rød peberfrugt
  • lidt salt


1. Put the eggs in cold water and bring to a boil. Cook at a slow boil for 10 minutes, then remove the eggs from the water and set aside to cool. 2. When cool, shell the eggs and cut them in half lengthwise. Carefully scoop out the yolks, taking care to leave the whites intact, and set aside the whites. 3. Put the yolks, olive oil, capers, parsley, anchovies, garlic, mustard, and a tiny pinch of salt in a bowl and, with a fork, mash all the ingredients into a creamy, uniform mixture. (If doing a large quantity for a party, you may want to blend them in a food processor.) 4. Divide the mixture into 12 equal parts and spoon into the cavities of the empty egg whites. Top with cubes of the diced red pepper.

