Digital signalbehandling
- Digital Signal Processing From Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection
- Den harmoniske svingning - Teori og en anvendelse
- Digital Lydbehandling
- Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem
Filter design tutorials
- The BORES Signal Processing DSP course - Introduction to DSP - is free of charge on line
- More DSP DSP Tutorial Links from dspGuro
- Introduction to Digital Filters - With Audio Applications
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) group at Rice University
- Digital Signal Processing (DSP) group at Rice University
- FIR and IIR Filter Design Algorithms
- Matlab Programs for a Graphical User Interface for Generalized Digital Butterworth Filter Design
Tips and trics for Mathlab and Octave
Octave Plotting
Octave - installing additional packages
On you can find all packages for Octave.
You can download all packages in a single file or you can take the ones you want.
After downloading the package install it by typing pkg install <package name and path> like pkg install signal-1.0.7.tar.gz.
If you are running Windows Vista it is important that you start Octave with "Run as administrator" otherwise installation will fail with errors like 'couldn't create installation directory'.
If you install signal-1.0.7.tar.gz you also need to get a previous version of resample.m, there is a bug in the newest version. It returns "error: invalid row index = xxxxxx" if you try to use it.
You can get the previous version of resample from:
- "C:\Program Files\Octave\share\octave\packages\signal-1.0.7\resample.m"
If you are running Windows Vista remember that you need to be running as as administrator to overwrite files below 'C:\Program Files'. If you just try to change the contene of resample.m with an editor not started as "Run as administrator" it will save your file in "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Octave\share\octave\packages\signal-1.0.7".
Purdue University: ECE438 - Digital Signal Processing with Applications
This document in the beginning has has two links to a basic and an advanced tutorial. I can't find them bu I think it is this document:
- What is a decibel?
- Decibel - Wikipedia (Table shows why unit's on VU Meter scale aree as they are)
- dBm - Wikipedia
- dBm to volt voltage V dB dBu dBV dBm conversion and calculation milliwatt milliwatts
- VU meter - Wikipedia
- Understanding the Volume Unit
- Using the Decibel - Part 4: The VU and the VI Instrument
- A model of the VU (volume-unit) meter, with speech applications
- Peak programme meter - Wikipedia
- Peak meter
- G.711 0dB
Free Software
GNU Octave
install the package signal-1.0.7.tar.gz to get resample.m and other signal processing functions
resample.m in the newest version does not work - get older version from subversion
audio-1.1.1.tar.gz doesn't work on Windows - use playrec instread
- Octave-Forge - Extra packages for GNU Octave
- Playrec Multi-channel Matlab and Octave Audio
- Plotting from Octave with gnuplot (and to files)
- FIR Digital Filter Design - mentions Octave and Mathlab
- MJ O'Donnell, Scholar, WiP, Digital Sound Modeling - here you can download mathlab demos
- Octave Programming Tutorial - From Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection
- MATLAB Programming/GNU Octave - From Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection
Synthesis ToolKit in C++ (STK)